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To Register Please Call 503-224-4929


Your MindBody in Health and Disease


Erin Moore, Sun. May 5, 2:30-4pm, $20

Join naturopathic physician Dr. Erin Moore in this exploration of the many ways in which your beliefs, thoughts, and emotions can influence your physical health and vice versa. How can limiting beliefs from our childhood cause physical symptoms today? Is it necessary to relive our trauma in order to heal it? You’ll leave this interactive discussion with answers to these questions, plus practical tips and exercises that you can start applying right away to heal your MindBody. Come with an open heart and a curious mind.  


Dr. Erin Moore has a private practice in Portland, OR. She focuses on the mental and emotional aspects of chronic disease, teaches a behavior change course, and officiates self-marriages. 

To Register Please Call 503-224-4929

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