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Business Planning for a Spirit-led Entrepreneur
Laura Rowe and Vanessa Couto, Weds. August 29, 7-8:30pm, $20
Spirit-led businesses have special needs and requirements of their leaders — it isn’t business as usual! Laura Rowe will discuss what changes when a business is Spirit-led and what this means in its day-to-day operations or long-term planning. We will also cover The Spiritual Laws of Success and how these differ from traditional business tactics, as well as the tools and methods that work best for marketing, selling, planning, and decision-making. This workshop is ideal for anyone considering running their business in a different way!
Laura Rowe is an intuitive strategist and spiritual teacher. She has a master’s in organizational management and serves Spirit-led entrepreneurs in achieving their goals, maximizing revenue, and maintaining overall well-being.
Vanessa Couto is an artist, teacher, astrologer, and the voice behind the Liminal Journeys podcast. Both Vanessa and Laura help clients navigate the intersection of their life’s story, their livelihood, and their soul’s purpose.
To Register Please Call 503-224-4929