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To Register Please Call 503-224-4929

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Winter Solstice Ceremony: Connecting to Our Inner Heart-Light On the Darkest Night Of the Year


Michele Newman and Eliahu Goodman

Fri. Dec. 20, 6:30-8:30pm, $25

Receive spiritual sustenance as your Soul-Light journeys through darkness into the Winter Solstice light portal.  Join us for an evening of high frequency crystal bowl sound healing, meditation, drumming, and poetry.  Please bring a ritual altar item as an offering, which you’ll take home.  Also feel free to bring a poem, song, short story, musical instrument, drum, or anything you want to share with our circle.  


Michele Newman is a psychic sound alchemist, singer-songwriter, Isis priestess, and spiritual guide. After years of helping people with cancer and other life-threatening conditions, she’s offering her process to healthy people, who love it as well!  LoveVibe.US 


Eliahu Goodman is the author of We Are From The Stars. He helps clients reduce stress, transform and release trauma, heal core wounds through Altaran Star Healing, Quantum Breath Rebirthing Therapy, and Reiki.

To Register Please Call 503-224-4929

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