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To Register Please Call 503-224-4929


Relationship Magic:

Waking Up Together with Guy Finley 

Guy Finley, Fri. Oct. 12, 7-8:30pm, $20

It’s easy to love someone who does as you wish; but to love a partner – unconditionally – in the midst of a conflict... that’s Relationship Magic. In this workshop you’ll be given the tools you need to not only dissolve painful patterns with those you love, but to reveal and heal the unseen pain that keeps these patterns alive. You’ll be shown how to recognize and release the hidden “triggers” that turn you against family, friends, and even strangers, empowering you to stop any fight before it begins. Guy will share with you how to release negative reactions before they wreck everything, turn heated exchanges into healing turning points, see yourself through your partner’s eyes, make a fresh start in the middle of an old argument, and give your partner the room they need to outgrow their limitations.


Guy Finley is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher and self-help author. He is the Founder and Director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit center for self-study located in Merlin, Oregon and host of its online Wisdom School program. Guy is the best-selling author of The Secret of Letting Go and 45 other books and audio programs that have sold over 2 million copies, in 26 languages, worldwide.  Guy’s latest book Relationship Magic: Waking Up Together applies decades of spiritual wisdom to practical relationship challenges, transforming any relationship from mundane to magical!

To Register Please Call 503-224-4929

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