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Queen Up! Align with the Tarot Queens for Personal Empowerment
Angela Kaufman, Weds. March 6, 7-8:30pm, $20
Metaphysical meets modern to help you reconnect with the powers of creativity, confidence, love and abundance. Embrace the four elemental energies within, as personified by the Tarot Queens. Align with the archetypal energy of each Queen. Learn which archetypal energy has shaped your life path, and discover how to tap into hidden sources of power to ride life’s changing tides All levels are welcome. Tarot experience not required.
Angela Kaufman is an Intuitive Empowerment Coach and LCSW, and author of Queen Up! Reclaim Your Crown When Life Knocks You Down. Angela has co-authored three books on metaphysical spirituality.
To Register Please Call 503-224-4929