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To Register Please Call 503-224-4929


Gong Sound Healing

Mahkah Das Elumen, Sun. Aug. 25, 6-7:30pm, $20

This Gong Sound Healing is accompanied with applying ancient and modern tools like tapping, shaking, and breath to assist with moving desired and undesired energy through the body. All you have to do is relax! Mahkah allows Reiki energy and other energy frequencies of Divine Light and Love to move through him and into the gong. The gong takes these energies and shares them through ultimate healing and growth. The natural healing effects are then maximized by your intelligent earth body. Come relax, destress, and grow!  Please arrive on time and bring a pillow, blanket, and whatever else you need to be comfortable lying down or seated for an hour.


Mahkah Das Elumen has studied Nada Yoga (the yoga of sound) with Bhagavan Das and Michael Sterling and has been offering sound healings since 2008 in Illinois, California, Oregon, and Burning Man.

To Register Please Call 503-224-4929

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