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​Lovingkindness for These Times
Jacqueline Mandell, Mon. Dec. 23, 6:30-8:30pm, $25
This evening is warmly dedicated to Buddhist Meditation Practices and Contemplations on Lovingkindness including the practice of giving and receiving, called Tonglen in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition. LovingKindness and Mindfulness are called protectors of the mind. Immersing ourselves in and enhancing these practices gives a way forward for this time of light returning after Winter Solstice. Basic techniques of how to approach challenging situations, presuppositions and expectations can carry us through the New Year with greater kindness. Lovingkindness is not separate from our own natural wisdom mind, Buddha Nature. As we take time out to settle into wishing ourselves well, wishing those whom we like, don't like or are indifferent to well there is the potential for opening our hearts. Meditation guidance, useful techniques and realistic uses of these practices is the evening's focus. There will be an opportunity for questions, short discussions and further investigation into the topic of lovingkindness for these times.
This event is open to all experience levels!
Jacqueline Mandell is a Buddhist Meditation Teacher and Lama in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition. She is executive director of Samden Ling. She has taught worldwide for decades. Jacqueline has been included in a number of books, most recently The Hidden Lamp: Stories from Twenty-Five Centuries of Awakened Women. Jacqueline also wrote a recent article in the Northwest Dharma News about her pilgrimage to Bhutan:
To Register Please Call 503-224-4929