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Live Life Satsang with Atma Nambi


Atma Nambi, Sun. Sept. 2, 3:30-5:30pm, $25

How do we live an aware, healthy, and blissful life regardless of the circumstances? The greatest potential to heal and live in peace and Self-realization is within us. Join in satsang with Atma Nambi, who joins us from India to share the meditation techniques, transformative presence, and deep wisdom he has come to embody through a life of conscious awakening. Receive a glimpse of your true Self! 


Atma Nambi, born in Tamil Nadu, South India, knew from an early age that he had the ability to know the potentialities of human beings. He worked with five different teachers to gain in-depth knowledge and wisdom about humanity. Atma Nambi’s powerfully healing and transformative work playfully and dynamically guides others to their natural state of consciousness. The meditation techniques and practices he shares are powerful, simple, and easy to use in each moment of everyday life.  For information on Atma Nambi’s Monday, September 3rd Satsang and Chakra Activations, as well as Personal Sessions and Kubera Tapas during his visit to Portland, please contact Aradhana at or 417-540-5626.

To Register Please Call 503-224-4929




1338 NW 23rd AVE







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