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Life-Changing Gifts From My Near-Death Experience
Barbara Ireland, Sat. Nov. 3, 3-5pm, $20
Join author, musician, and filmmaker Barbara Ireland as she shares the story of her Near-Death Experience that blew the lid off of her beliefs and altered the course of her life’s destiny. During Barbara’s NDE, she was given three profound teachings, on of which uncovered how deeply burdened humanity is by negative “mind loops” and how she could free herself and others from the limitations of these thoughtforms. Since, Barbara has created “delooping” methods based on neuroscience, cellular biology, modern psychology, and powerful spirituality to help her clients break free of the habit of negative thinking. Join Barbara for this captivating and transformative event! This event is co-presented by IANDS, the International Association for Near-Death Studies.
Barbara Ireland is author of the Amazon bestseller, How To Stop Negative Thoughts: What My Near Death Experience Taught Me About Mind Loops, Neuroscience, and Happiness. She is a transformational speaker, trainer, and founder of The De-Looping Method.
To Register Please Call 503-224-4929