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To Register Please Call 503-224-4929

Transcending Suffering for Caregivers and Medical Professionals


Joseph Britton, Sat. June 23, 2-4pm, $25

Many of us today, whether caring for a loved one at home or in a medical setting, are spending extensive time with someone deeply suffering who may also be approaching the end of life. This seminar will provide you with research, tips and the practice of transcending suffering. Several mindfulness methods will be discussed, then practiced to reduce stress and anxiety, energize your body, and to maintain a sense of inner peace, calm and clarity.  


Joseph Britton is a Body and Movement Practitioner and former course instructor of Mindfulness Meditation, Yoga, and Movement at Princeton University. Joseph’s current work is to research and teach how people respond in the presence of suffering and, in turn, transcend suffering. He is also a hospice volunteer.

To Register Please Call 503-224-4929




1338 NW 23rd AVE







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