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To Register Please Call 503-224-4929

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7 Class Webinar Series: Learn to Read Eyes with Laureli Shimayo


September 4, 8, 11, 12, 15, 19, & 22, 6:30-9pm

$250/ for Complete 7 Class Series

or $40 for One Stand Alone Class.  

We all know that eyes are the window to the soul. The light that shines through our eyes reveals our unique genius, natural gifts, greatest strength and deepest capacity. Learn to read a person’s eyes and see their soul: reveal their life purpose and quickest access to ease, joy and fulfillment. 

There are 7 Talents in ThriveTypes archetypes.  In this course Laureli will teach about each of the 7 Talents, their great contributions and lessons, and share how she sees them in eyes.  Recognizing and reflecting a person’s top 3 Talents leaves them feeling deeply seen, prompts spiritual growth and and empowers big leaps along career path and relationships.  The course includes detailed handouts, lots of slides, photos of famous people so you can practice, experiential exercises so you get the feeling of each Talent and much more!  We will focus on a different ThriveTypes Archetype during each session:


  • Priest/ess on Wednesday Sept 4

  • Server on Sunday September 8

  • Sage on Wednesday September 11

  • Artisan on Thursday September 12

  • King/Queen on Sunday September 15

  • Warrior on Thursday September 19

  • Scholar on Sunday September 22


All classes will be recorded and available by video if you miss them.


Laureli Shimayo is claircognizant, clairempathic and clairsentient, and offers Intuitive Eye Readings at New Ren.  She is the author of The Sweet Spot: Leveraging Your Talents in Leadership and Life.

To Register Please Call 503-224-4929




1338 NW 23rd AVE







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