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Gemini Full Moon Drumming Circle
Terra Kelsey & Sandra Hetzel,
Sat. Nov. 24, 6:30-8pm, $15
Join Terra and Sandra to build a unique collective voice through drumming on the Full Moon. Work out tension and excess energy, clear the mind, get centered and experience the pure joy of community drumming. All are welcome, regardless of experience. Bring your own percussion instruments and unique intention. With this month’s Gemini Full Moon, we’ll draw upon the energies of connection, communication, and curiosity available to us at this time.
Sandra Hetzel is a life-long musician. She has studied music therapy at Marylhurst University and she leads sing-alongs with older adults.
Terra Kelsey is a long-time meditator, spiritual seeker, and crew-member at New Renaissance. She loves to inspire and share with others to build a vibrant community spirit.
To Register Please Call 503-224-4929