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Energy Codes® for Manifesting: A Workshop with Katrina Wynne
Katrina Wynne, Sat. June 29, 11-2pm, $36
You are a powerful creator! In the The Energy Codes of Manifesting Workshop Katrina teaches you the principles and practices to work with your body’s energy fields so you can eliminate the subconscious interference that keeps you from creating a life that is truly in alignment. Through breath, simple movements and core body awareness, we will learn and practice simple energy vitalizing exercises to strengthen your most authentic self so you can access your natural ability to manifest in a whole and complete way.
Katrina Wynne, M.A. is an Energy Codes Certified Facilitator, an international teacher and Soulful Counselor. She has taught at NRB since 1995. See the NRB Reader calendar for Katrina’s private sessions.
To Register Please Call 503-224-4929