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To Register Please Call 503-224-4929

Energy Tools for Empaths & Sensitives


Laura Rowe, Sun. June 10, 2-4pm, $25

Empaths have a heightened sensitivity to the world. This affects our nervous system and aura and makes it difficult to regulate our responses to certain stimuli and social situations. Join Laura Rowe for an engaging workshop full of simple and effective energy tools to move you out of fight/flight/freeze response to a more spacious place where you can respond with thought and care. The first half of the workshop will cover general maintenance tools for everyday self-care and the second half will focus on empaths in the process of healing from their sensitive pasts. All tools can be used for the ongoing care of our emotions, energy field, and nervous system. Handouts will be provided to help you remember how to use these tools whenever you might need them. 


Laura Rowe is an empath, teacher, mentor, and intuitive energy healer. Her healing work, rooted in compassionate empowerment, allows clients to live more deliberate and authentic lives.

To Register Please Call 503-224-4929

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