To Register Please Call 503-224-4929

Crystal and Gem Therapy Workshop
Martha Sears, Sun. Aug. 18, 2-4pm, $25
Crystal energy can be empowering, healing, and fun to work with. In this hands-on workshop you will learn how to work with crystals to create a harmonious and supportive environment in your home and how to select crystal jewelry that is beneficial to your own personal energy. Together, we will learn about the properties of different crystals, how to select crystals for specific uses, how to cleanse and re-charge your crystals, and a variety of ways to use your crystals in meditation, healing, and transformation.
Martha Soria Sears is an author, speaker, transformational coach, and a psychic. She is one of the founders of Martha’s Design, a Gem Therapy jewelry line that is beautiful and radiates specific energies intended to help the wearer improve their health, mental state, and emotions.
To Register Please Call 503-224-4929