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Decoding the Messages

in Crop Circles

Nadi, Tues. Oct. 30, 6:30-8:30pm, $20

Have you always been curious about crop circles and what they mean?  Have you wondered who makes them and why?  Of course you have!  You are not alone, and we are not alone, so let’s have some cosmic fun together!  This is a co-created opportunity for information sharing with those who are interested in the intelligence of crop circles.  A terrestrial celestial party of sorts with an orientation towards activating expanded levels of consciousness – because that’s what the circles are here to do!  We will be watching several short videos about crop circles, each followed by open dialogue about circle facts, information and experiences.  We also will have a fascinating and informative slide show. Skepticism, curiosity and intrigue are welcome!  If time and space permit, there will also be the option of drawing crop circles with templates as we continue exploring the infinitely fascinating subjects that arise.  Those who are called to gather for this event will find each other in the good company of seekers, misfits and geniuses who know that something significant has been happening in the fields of southern England for quite a while now.  Nadi Hana has been a crop circle enthusiast since 2012.  Their beauty inspires her art, and their intelligence and mystery compel her to share the information in her classes and workshops.

To Register Please Call 503-224-4929




1338 NW 23rd AVE







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